
The gallery handles, acquires and advises on works by Anish Kapoor. For more information or the availability of work, please contact the gallery.

Anish Kapoor (b. 1954)


Anish Kapoor is one of the most influential sculptors of his generation. Perhaps most famous for public sculptures that are both adventures in form and feats of engineering, he manoeuvres between vastly different scales, across numerous series of work.


Anish Kapoor was born in Bombay, India in 1954 and lives and works in London. He studied at Hornsey College of Art (1973-77) followed by postgraduate studies at Chelsea School of Art, London (1977-78). Recent major solo exhibitions include Chateau de Versailles, Versailles (2015); The Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, Moscow (2015); Sakıp Sabancı Museum, Istanbul (2013) and Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin (2013). He represented Britain at the 44th Venice Biennale (1990), for which he was awarded the Premio Duemila. He won the Turner Prize in 1991 and has honorary fellowships from the London Institute and Leeds University (1997), the University of Wolverhampton (1999) and the Royal Institute of British Architecture (2001). He was awarded a CBE in 2003 and a Knighthood in 2013 for services to visual arts. Most recently he received an honorary doctorate from the University of Oxford (2014). His work is held in all major international public collections including the De Pont Foundation, Tillburg, Holland; Tate, London, UK; MoMA, New York, USA; and the Rijksmuseum Kroller-Muller, Otterlo, Holland.


